The Lenoir Amateur Radio Club (LARC) was founded in 1986 and incorporated as a 501c3 non-profit in 2008. The club meets in Lenoir, NC, and many members are active in radio services in Caldwell County and the region. LARC is devoted to public service and promoting amateur radio. The club also regularly assists with communications for public events.


Club Officers

  • President - Keith Sharpton, N5QF, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Vice President - Chris Aiken, KN4FNI, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Treasurer - Josh Craven, N4JOS, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Secretary -  Ro Maddox, K4HRM, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Mailing Address

Lenoir Amateur Radio Club
PO Box 3276
Lenoir NC 28645


Next Meeting

February Meeting
13 Feb 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM


Next Net

No events


History of LARC

The Lenoir Amateur Radio Club (LARC) was established in April 1986. From its very beginnings, the club was, and still is, devoted to public service and the promotion of amateur radio.

In January 1986, local ham operators started gathering at the Tastee Freeze restaurant. Around 15 ham operators joined the gathering every week, and it wasn't long until the group realized they had the makings of a ham radio club.

In March, the group selected a committee to draft a constitution and a set of by-laws. In April, the group voted to approve the documents and form the Lenoir Amateur Radio Club.

LARC is an ARRL-affiliated club and embraces the concepts of Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES). Many members belong to ARES and NC AUXCOMM.

The club is involved with the Caldwell County Department of Emergency Management, the local American Red Cross, SKYWARN (with connections to NOAA Weather), and the Community Emergency Response Team(CERT).

These affiliations allow the club to participate in local and regional emergency response.

In 1989, LARC installed a club repeater in on NC 90 north of Lenoir. The repeater operated on the frequency of 147.195/147.795 until December 2005. The original frequency was assigned to another entity.

The club repeater, N4LNR, now operates on 146.625MHz. (This repeater is currently undergoing repairs.)